M Style Sponsor The BMW Car Club Forum

We are delighted to announce a new sponsorship with MStyle for the forum. 

MStyle offer aftermarket and upgrade parts for models across the BMW range, as well as having access to the BMW dealer network with countless OEM parts on offer.

As sponsors of the BMW Car Club GB Forum MStyle will have their own area on the forum where they will offer:

– Discounts on products, ranging between 5-10%.

– Group Buys

– Early Access to new products before they’re listed on their website

– Bespoke package deals

– Competitions and Giveaways

MStyle will also post news and info about their own Demo vehicles, and details of any events they host or shows they take part in, where they offer show-specific discounts on their Forum area!

Follow the link here to view their Forum area.

Keep an eye on MStyle’s Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates of customer cars and visits to shows around the world. The next event they will be attending if you would like to visit their stand is the Essen Motor Show!

If there’s anything you need help with please feel free to contact MStyle Direct on info@mstyle.co.uk or 020 8598 9115.

Visit their website to see more of what they have to offer.