At the 2024 Eastern Region AGM, Paul Rice announced that he would be stepping down as the Eastern Region Chairperson. Richard Rixham was nominated for the position by Nick Wright and seconded by Chris Lake. Richard accepted the nomination and was subsequently voted in as the new Eastern Region Chairperson in a unanimous vote.
Nick Wright announced that he would be stepping back from the committee to spend more time with the family. We would like to thank Paul and Nick for all their hard work and dedication to the BMW Car Club and especially the Eastern Region over many years. Without Paul and NIck, the region would not be enjoying the success it is having currently with our fantastic monthly breakfast meet at Sherburn Aero Club, our monthly evening meet at it’s new location at The British Oak, Mosborough, Sheffield, and the upcoming breakfast meets at Great Northern Classics in Derby. Paul will still be helping out with some of our classic car show events so he is not totally leaving the organising team and we expect to be seeing both Nick and Paul at many future meets and events.
2024 saw the addition of Robert Nelson and Chris Lake to the Eastern Region Committee. You will also know Robert as the 1-series Register Captain. Robert and Chris are a major force behind the Eastern Region Committee and are both working on new and exciting events and meets for us to enjoy during 2025 and in to the future.
If you have any questions or suggestions for the Eastern Region team, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the team or email
We all look forward to seeing you at one of our regular monthly meets or at the various shows and events throughout the year.