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14 March @ 9:50 pm

We have now received information from the organisers for this charming event, run by the Merton Moncks – Fundraising for the local community. The following is an extract from their notification:

“We are delighted to advise that we are once again holding our Merton Vintage & Classis Rally Around on
SUNDAY 30TH APRIL 2023 (as usual, on the Sunday of the Bank Holiday weekend). Fingers crossed the weather will be kinder
to us this year.
Last year, we were delighted with the attendance, and despite us all getting rather wet we were able to raise a total of £4450
which was divided equally between our chosen charities: The North Devon Hospice and The Devon Air Ambulance.
We very much look forward to another enjoyable day enabling you to show your exhibit and have the opportunity to catch up
with old friends. This year we are again going to raise funds for the same two very important local Charities in memory of
Chris Laughton and all our friends and loved ones who sadly we have lost along the way.
Remember to make a note in your diary and on your calendars ………………… SUNDAY 30th APRIL 2023.
Please note that all communications this year will be by email only, due to high costs regrettably we are unable to continue
using the post for our fundraising mailings.
This event will be from 11am – 5pm and we are inviting you to bring along your amazing exhibit for everyone to see. Again this
year, we would like to suggest a meet up in Torrington (Hatchmoor Industrial Estate) or in Hatherleigh (Industrial Estate) at
09.30am and travel through to Merton together, on a scenic drive as groups of cars, motorcycles and tractors at 15 minute
intervals to slightly stagger your arrival. Please indicate your intentions on the enclosed booking form.
If you would like the opportunity to ‘parade’ your exhibit whilst at the Rally Around (parade will take place at 3pm) it is very
important that you also indicate this on the booking form. Once your booking form has been received and accepted those who
wish to parade will be emailed a ‘P’ entry pass which MUST be clearly displayed. Those who do not wish to parade will be emailed
a ‘S’ entry pass and will be parked separately as static show exhibits. Obviously we have limited space and entries for both
parade and show bookings and will be accepted on a first received basis. Of course any entries received after our capacity has
been reached will be notified accordingly.
Please complete the enclosed booking form to let us know that you wish to come along with your exhibit and please ensure you
indicate your intentions in respect of the drive to Merton and parading. Please return your booking form to us by
Saturday 8th April 2023 at the latest, either in the post or by email to yvonne@tawandtorridge.co.uk
Whilst at the Rally Around you will of course have the opportunity to buy refreshments; tea/coffee, indulge in a delicious
Hog Roast or Devon Pasty, or alternatively enjoy afternoon tea/cake and ice creams. Our bar is always open to help
‘quench your thirst’. We will have a number of interesting stalls for you all to wander around, along with all the amazing array
of cars, motorcycles, tractors and engines to view at your leisure.
We respectfully ask you to ‘Give a Donation’ to The North Devon Hospice & The Devon Air Ambulance at the entrance and there
will be a number of collection buckets located and circulating throughout the day. We are sure you will agree that we all know
families and friends who have been helped, supported and cared for by these local Charities.
We very much look forward to hearing from you shortly and receiving your booking form and of course meeting up with you all on
the day itself, Sunday 30th April 2023, and help us to help these very worthy causes.
Kind Regards
Please note: The Rally site at Merton is now a NO DOG AREA, with the exception of Guide/Assistance Dogs.”

For members wishing to attend, please see the attached Letter to Exhibitors and Booking Form. This event has also been promoted on our facebook page and WhatsApp Group.


(1) Merton Vintage And Classic Vehicle Rally Around | Facebook


30th April 2023
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:


Merton Moncks
View Organiser Website




Merton near Okehampton
Merton, Devon EX20 3ED United Kingdom + Google Map