Model Overview

The Concours Series is for those who are passionate about cleaning and car care. We hold local and national competitions throughout the year; catering for all levels from Pride of Ownership to Elite levels of Concours.
All Club Members are warmly welcome to enter this event regardless of whether you are an experienced entrant or whether this is your first time entering. For more details regarding Club Concours, you can download the BMW Car Club GB Concours Guide 2023.
To watch a brief introductory video about Concours, please view the Club’s Youtube channel or click here.
For full details of the Club’s Concours Categories, Classes, judging criteria and rules, please click here to open the BMW Car Club GB Concours Guide booklet.

“The most important thing is the cars are fun.
If your car isn’t, you’ve obviously got the wrong car.”
Who is Concours for?
When thinking about Concours, many members put forward a variation of the comment “I don’t own a ‘garage queen’ that I have the luxury of parking up over winter, I drive my car every day so I couldn’t compete in Concours could I?” The answer to this question is quite simple – yes you could and can compete. The Club runs three Concours Categories – taking this approach recognises that for many, their car will be their daily drive and so allows a full range of members to take part by offering a Category suitable for all to enjoy.
The majority of Club members take a keen interest in caring for their cars, therefore, having a full range of Concours Categories is an inclusive approach aimed at all Club members.
The Categories Explained
Take a look at the following overview of the Concours Categories which explain the information you should know about each of the three Categories:
Pride of Ownership
This Category is aimed at all Club members – primarily people entering Concours for the first time and people who drive their car regularly/every day. As such, this Category recognises that that there will always be ‘imperfections’ such as stone chips on front bumpers etc. (i.e. the ravages of modern motoring). Remember the name of the Category itself – “Pride of Ownership” – this Category is designed for people who take care of and pride in their car – that’s pretty much all of us!
The Masterclass Category is aimed at past overall winners of the Pride of Ownership Category at Regional or National events. It also encompasses those who may have completed full vehicle restorations to a high standard. These are the best calibre cars in the Club competing together and judged on cleanliness, condition, presentation and originality. No cars less than four years old are eligible to compete at Masterclass level.
The Elite Category is aimed at those who have previously won the Masterclass Category and cars chosen by the Concours co-ordinator/chief judge as representing the very best Concours cars in our Club. These are the elite calibre cars in the Club competing together and judged on cleanliness, condition, presentation and originality. No cars less than four years old are eligible to compete at Elite level.
Regional and National Events
You can find out about regional events happening near you via your regional chairperson. All regional events are based on the Pride of Ownership Category, and include all Classes from A to F which allows access for the widest number of people.
The National Concours event offers all three Categories, thus offering the widest possible opportunities for all members to get involved. Take a look at the listing below and see which Class your car will be eligible to enter.
Prior to the Event
Don’t wait until you get to the event to start cleaning your car! Set off to the event with an already clean car and once you have parked up at the event you can prepare your car for judging by removing any road dust you have picked up on your journey.
On the day
Marshalls greet all members arriving at events and assist with directing the parking of cars. Marshalls can often be quite precise in where they ask cars to park – it is important that cars are parked far enough apart so that doors can be fully opened and judges can easily move around all cars.
You will need to register your entry and this is most often done at the club office or marquee at the event. Registration simply consists of completing your name, vehicle details and membership number on to a blank judging sheet which the Concours organiser will give to you. You will get time (usually until 10am) to prepare your car, so remember to pack your cleaning products! The judges will expect to see a clean car and this is achieved by cleaning your car once you have parked up at the event. All participants have until the same time to prepare their car.
The judges will look at your service history book, check your Club membership card and will expect to see your Club or Register windscreen sticker displayed on your car, so don’t forget these items!
And the most important bit – enjoy it! Sounds hard doesn’t it – especially when you have judges inspecting your car in detail and giving scores! But the whole point is to enjoy yourself, socialise with others and also pick up any tips for your car.
In general it takes at least 3 years to start thinking about Masterclass level – don’t be put off by this, enjoy yourself and use the Pride of Ownership Category to learn, get used to Concours and develop your car as far as you wish to.
The Judging
Scores are given for a wide range of aspects; the scoring process is essential in order that the results are objective. The judges have a very hard task to undertake at events which is time-consuming and requires concentration. Allow the judges to look at all aspects of your car without disturbing them, collect your completed scoresheet at the end of the event and ask other participants for any future tips which might help you.
For full details of the Categories, Classes and judging criteria, click here to open the BMW Car Club GB Concours Guide Booklet.
Regional Concours events use Pride of Ownership Classes A to F and award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies for each Class plus an overall ‘Best in Show’ Trophy to the car which has achieved the highest number of points regardless of which Class the car entered. For the National Concours, first, second and third place trophies are awarded in each Category and Class; in addition, Club Silverware is also awarded across the Categories for a range of Concours achievements.
Get Involved
As you can see, the Club approach to Concours seeks to be inclusive, offering opportunities to get involved for all members. Every BMW, ALPINA and MINI is welcome regardless of model. There are no ‘extra points’ or ‘special treatment’ for any particular model whatsoever. So regardless of whether you own an M1, a 220d, a 316, or any other model, everyone starts from the same point. So come along and enter your car – you will certainly find that you have a worthwhile, sociable and enjoyable time; and you never know, you may well win an award for your efforts, demonstrating the pride you take in owning your BMW!
Concours Events
Concours News

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BMW Car Club GB National Concours 2020
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Technical material and resources
From the Straight Six archive
Chair: Dan Wood
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